This article was written by Patrick Farla, Year 9
Wormholes, what are they?
What are wormholes?
First, you should know that while they are possible, this doesn’t mean that they exist, but in my opinion, it seems likely that they exist. The theory of Murphy's law can show this - anything bad that can happen, will happen eventually (good sometimes too).
Wormholes are hypothetical structures that connect space-time and they are part of unnumbered physics equations, yet we have not detected a single one yet. A better way to visualise it, is to imagine having a piece of paper, put a dot on both sides of the paper and fold it, now imagine that you have to travel to the other dot, that will take a while but imagine if there was a tunnel that goes through the paper, you will barely have to move and you can go straight through.
( Visualisation of a wormhole)
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity answers a lot of profound questions such as black holes, a lot of which were detected quite recently but his theory also presented wormholes we have not detected. As the theory allows space and time to be stretched and bent, American Physicist Nathen Rose described how spacetime can be bent like two sheets and joined together, creating a bridge between universes. Some wormholes may be traversable which would enable us to move throughout them.
What would it mean if we found them?
If we found wormholes, there wouldn't be much we could do with our technology except try our best to research them. We couldn't send a craft with people or animals onboard, because of the sheer cost and size the rocket would be and also we don't know what it will be like on the other side. Also, the Wormhole would most likely be more than at least 50 lightyears away from Earth so we wouldn't really find answers within our lifetimes.