First Half Term 2020-21: Rundown
This article was put together by the Student Leadership team (Each prefect responsible for their allocated year group.)
I hope you have all had an enjoyable term so far. I Know it has been quite the adjustment coming back from Distance learning, but I firmly believe that we are going to make this school year extremely successful and fun! I wish you all a lovely half term to come and if you ever need anything, please feel free to send a message or talk to anyone from the Student Leadership team.” (Lina Kürten)

Year 7’s have had a terrific start to the year, with new lessons and group activities to familiarise themselves into Senior School.
They have welcomed in new students, with buddies at the table tennis event, took part in-class quizzes and fun games on Kahoot. Most of the pupils are adjusting well and are looking forward to the next term. They have also collectively earned lots of merits and are planning to launch a Homework Club very soon.
Student Council:
Alexander Taylor
Nora Einarsdotter
Pupils of the Week:
24th September: Helena Quintao
1st October: Rose Townsend
8th October: William Bryant

This half term, the year 8 students have already accomplished many things.
Maxime Baillieux received an award for a positive attitude and approach to learning in science.
Mohammad Bin Shafya (Khalifa) and Ayaan Chaudhry received an award for best progress in Islamic Education.
Shaan Bhangi received a subject award for Design Technology.
Ella Barker received an award for "such an individual, authentic and highly original work" on her researched individual of the Industrial Revolution in History.
Yalcin Imerynz and Maxime Baillieux received an award for "such excellent ideas and presentation of their rap- song" on the reasons Great Britain had the first Industrial Revolution, also in History.
Shaan Bhangi received an award for his "effort, enthusiasm, and participation" in French lessons.
Jack Guzman received an award for his "effort, enthusiasm, and participation" in Spanish lessons.
The year eights also earned their access to go outside during their break and lunchtimes.
Student Council:
Ana Sofia Giraldo Rua
Alexander Ring
Pupils of the Week:
24th September: Gabbie Woolnough
1st October: Alex Ring
8th October: Harriet Hall

They have all enjoyed seeing their friends again.
They also have had more work- and tests than compared to before.
Unfortunately, Maia Avari is leaving this week
Claudio Paes De Almeida Neto (Spanish) and Isabella Lambou (French) were recognised as Linguists of the Month.
“This term so far has been a changing experience, because we learnt a lot of new topics, started new projects, and made new friends. It's been hard to adjust to the CoVid guidelines, but it's also been really interesting because you are placed with some people you don't know and wouldn't necessarily talk to, but it has given us the chance to make new friends and get to know more people.”
Student Council:
Head: Zanelle Awinyo
Deputy: Jasmine Bayat Makou
Pupils of the week :
24 September: Nusheen Abdulgafuru Haji
1st October: Claudio Paes De Almeida Neto
8th October: Tsaone Ntlhokwa

Some students are finding the transition to GCSE’s challenging, however, the majority of pupils are integrating well.
Many pupils are eager to learn new and interesting subjects.
“It's challenging for everyone and GCSE’s are scary, however, teachers are being very supportive and everyone is putting in a great amount of effort.”
“Year 10 is going very well and everyone is making the new pupils feel very welcome and everyone wants to get involved in the school community.”
Student Council:
Head: Janet Shrestha
Deputy: Elisabetta Bellini
Pupils of the week:
24th September: Saeed Al Suwaidi
1st October: Emily Jodrell
8th October: Yasir Siddiqui

Year 11’s have been very excited to begin their final year before 6th form.
Although there was a slight CoVid scare, everything is back to normal.
Thomas and Devin left; meaning the sports teams took a big hit.
Student Council:
Head: Francisco Magalhaes
Deputy: David Vellinga
Pupils of the Week:
September 24th: Jessica Staunton
October 1st: David Vellinga
October 8th: Bezawit Andualem

We Introduced 18 new students! This term also welcomed the first-ever BTEC group at Kent College, with four students completing the Urdang BTEC course of performing arts.
We realised that Doctor Shipton's favourite song was Old Town Road by Little Nas.
The Potely incident (If you know, you know.)
Our KCD Speaks crew (Rebecca, Cameron, Moeen, Luiz, Justin, and Hannah) are working away on a presentation and activities designed to celebrate Black History Month. This is coming in the last week of October.
The Urdang girls have a showcase performance (15th October) for the official admins of Urdang who have flown over from the UK.
Daniel Mata is also working closely with Kent Ecollege - he will be the Y12 prefect and will assist James and Mr Barker in pursuing environmentally friendly options within our school.
Student Council:
Head: Christian Nathan
Deputy: Hannah Mestermann
Pupils of the week:
24th September: Luiz Mohd Alvin
1st October: Shiza Khokhar

For the past month and a half, it hasn't been easy for the year 13's sitting mocks (7th- 10th September) and enduring Distance Learning. However, we have a resilient group of students who have been able to organise senior hoodies, create year group boards, lead a school assembly and design a homely and creative study room that we are able to work (and relax) in. We are also close to applying to universities.
We have a real A- level Maths exam taking place when we come back (19th and 21st of October.)
Pupil of the week:
October 8th: Sami Maroof

House dance competition (Week: 11th- 15th October)
Student council set up and had their first meeting (7th October)
Launch of KCDSpeaks (1st September)
We've got so many things to look forward to following this half-term break; so make sure you rest and relax to come back ready to start the new term!
Keep your eye out for many new articles coming your way.
Don't forget to give yourself a break- you've earned it!
Enjoy & have fun- but please stay safe! Remember to adhere to social distancing guidelines and don't forget to wear your masks!